Ini dia film yang di tunggu-tunggu sama Nurul-Widya. Jude Law is back ! Yeeey, Oh iya, kita emang ga post, tapi kita mau kasih tau kalo Jude Law it's on again with Sienna Miller ! Congrats for you two... And now we want to introduce the characters by the posters ...
♥ Love the Tagline for Adler !
♥ It ! Kira-kira di Indonesia tanggal berapa yaa ?
And now guys, heres the Premiere. We are two just can hope that we were thereee :'(
Robert Downey, Jr. & Jude Law

Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefany
Rachel McAdams
Chris Eubank
Guy Ritchie (The Director)
Heather Graham
Jenni Falconer
Mark Strong and wife
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