Dakota Fanning, Famous Fresh Young..
As we know she's a Rising Star of Hollywod and a star of coming soon New Moon Film and it makes her go to the up level of celebrity list. And our focus is... Her Life and Self Balance-nya yg oke itu. Teenagers jaman sekarang (mau lokal atau internasional) kalo udah terkenal and can have their own money langsung jd sok sibuk kanan-kiri, sok ga punya waktu untuk bergaul, sok dewasa bla bla bla ! We really really hate those type teenagers like that. Actually this picture isn't new, but at least you will know about how pretty balance she is... AND WE LOVE IT !
Coooool ! Dakota aktif di ekskul cheerleader di sekolahnya. Dan dia jadi maskot hmm atau lebih tepatnya icon kali yaa, buat ekskul cheers di sekolahnya. Well it's good to know that she hasn't forget about her true life dan tetap bergaul seperti anak remaja normalnya, we love you girl !
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