Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Celebs Stop At Paris Fashion Week

hmm.... bukan cuma runaway-nya aja yang glamorous tapi juga para celebrities Hollywood yang menghadiri Fashion Week dikota Paris ini! check it out girls! most of them are gorgeous (most of them okay?)

Claudia Schiffer as usual she looks beautiful =)

 aneh gak sih menurut kalian kostumnya Rihanna ini?

ATTENTION!! ini Lily Allen lhooo... O,o


itu, Kate Moss yang ketinggian apa temennya yang pendek ya? but she looks very very cool! nice leather dress Kate! =) 

ya ampyun jeng Renee sepatunya tinggi bener, but she looks quite cool here and pretty =)  

 Katy Perry, OMG shes so gorgeous!

cantik ga nih Camilla Bell disinii??

Slumdog Millionaire's star, Freida Pinto. is she cute?  

i always adore Milla Jovovich! shes stunning! =)

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