As you know guys, TBL was delay by stupid fu**ing CWTV (sorry). I was so shock when i connect the internet by phone and read those gossip like that. But it's not even a gossip, it's true ! Damn. You all guys must be curious about what happen with CWTV and TBL ? And heres the answer ..
Karna kasus kesehatan mischa dan beberapa set yang belom selesai. Jadi TBL dianggap belom layak tayang. OMFG ?! Liat dong jelas-jelas mischa udah totally healthy and ready to rock the tv. Dan set yang belom selesai itu katanya cuma alesan yang ga jelas yang di publish sama CWTV dan ga tau tujuannya apa. Oh come on, What The Hell Is Wrong With You CWTV ???
And heres another cast of TBL, Corbin Bleu said that mischa is doing okay. I watch her and she's always on. Hmm is this enough to prove that mischa is now okay ? we decide, YES !
1 komentar:
hem benar2 menyebalkan deh grrrrrr. btw thanks to gossip store karna udah nge post ttg ini, gue nungguin bgt! keep on your best
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